Carlee For
Tukwila Schools

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with the work we
are doing.

Carlee For
Tukwila Schools

Stay Connected with the work we are doing.

On The Priorities

It’s time we stand up for our ideals, it’s time we take on the status quo

Strengthening Partnerships

Building strong collaboration between the District and Community Based Organizations

Elevating Youth Voice

Input from Children and Youth should drive decision making

Centering the Whole Child

Investment in SEL and Trauma informed Practice

Equity in Education

Breaking down the systems rooted in racism

Learn More About Carlee’s Priorities


“I believe that Tukwila has an amazing opportunity to come together as a community and reimagine what public education can look like, putting an end to the inequities that leave many youth behind”

Carlee Hoover

Investing in the lives of young people is crucial to the overall success of our community. Intentional collaboration among all stakeholders, with an emphasis on youth voice, will help the Tukwila community Thrive.

Daring Leader

Youth Advocate

Human Centered






Talk to Carlee